Running and Requesting Reports
Need a Report?
On this page you will find links to our reporting system, and a link to a list of exisiting reports. You will also find instructions on how to request access to existing reports and how to request new reports.
Call our help desk at 697-3375.
Reporting Links
Argos. This reporting system provides a user-friendly interface for both day-to-day reports and strategic level analytical reports. It can deliver reports in printable, spreadsheet, or on-screen formats. Graphs and screen-to-spreadsheet exports are some of its more powerful features. Argos is always read-only.
UC4. This is a scheduling system that can also deliver reports, usually in a spreadsheet or plain text format. AppWorx can run sophisticated multi-step processes that deliver data, update information in the database, move files, create emails, etc..
Existing Reports. If you need a report, first look at the list of existing reports to see if we have one you can use.
Getting Access to Reports
Access to reports is handled just like Banner access. Fill out a work order and this form: Banner INB Access Request. Have it signed by the appropriate person and send it to IT Services. You will be given a login and training by IT Services staff. Once you have access to reports that are applicable to your job you will automatically be able to see any new reports created for your area.
Requesting a New Report
If we don’t have the report you need, fill out a work order and this form: Banner Report Request. Please try to include as much detail as possible. If you can find the banner fields you would like to see on the report that can be very helpful to the person who creates the report. Some background on how you plan to use the report may also be helpful.