Technology Resources for Faculty/Staff Remote Workers

In the event that work or academic functions are disrupted due to prolonged campus or building closures, it may be necessary to work, teach, or collaborate from off campus.

The Technology Division provides services to connect you with colleagues and students remotely so that you can continue your work and learning interactions with students.

Remote work checklist

Here's a quick checklist of things you may need:

  • Laptop or desktop computer. If you have a good personal laptop or home computer, please plan to use this resource.
  • Microphone. Many laptops and some all-in-one PCs have this built in, but if you are going to use onilne meeting tools, you will need an external microphone or headset.
  • Webcam. - many laptops and some all-in-one PCs have this built in, but if you need video capability and your equipment does not have this built-in, you will need an external webcam.
  • Internet. Commercially provided (such as EPB, Comcast, AT&T, etc.) or a wireless hotspot through your mobile phone.
  • Files. If you don't already keep critical files in Office365 OneDrive, it is highly recommended to move those files there. Using OneDrive

It's best to check if you have these items available before you need them. Test access with your equipment and resources from home, and contact the Help Desk if you have questions.

IP Phone Training

VPN Access

VPN access gives you the ability to connect to Chattanooga State from home and works as if you were sitting at your work desk. VPN provides you with a secure connection to Chattanooga State network resources such as Banner. Once you've successfully connected via VPN, you can access these services just as you would at work.

WebEx Meetings

Chattanooga State provides WebEx Meetings and Teams as a way to conduct online meetings and teaching via remote locations. This can be achieved through use of mobile devices as well as personal computers.

Remote E-mail Access

You can access your e-mail from anywhere with Office 365. Just visit and log in with your e-mail address and campus password


Installing Office365 on your Personal Computer

OneDrive for Sharing/Accessing Files

Chattanooga State provides a cloud repository for files (accessibile anywhere with an Internet connection) through our Office 365 service. It is recommended that you move your critical work documents to OneDrive prior to working remotely so that you can access those files.

Forwarding Office Phone/Voicemail Access

When working remotely, please remember to forward your office phone to either your home or mobile phone.

Tips for Sanitizing Your Electronics

Procedures for keeping your keyboard/mouse clean: With your PC powered down (to avoid risk of electrocution), wipe down keyboards and mice regularly with a CDC-approved disinfectant wipe. To remove debris between keys, you can use a piece of tape or a specially made putty for keyboard cleaning. NEVER spray disinfectant directly on a keyboard, trackpad, or pointing device.​